About Me

The Doctor
About Weight Loss
I started this blog to keep track of my own weight loss. It’s going to be a 120 pound journey, from 325 pounds to 205. I failed at many kinds of dieting over the last fifteen years, so I needed to figure out what I had been getting wrong.
It turned out the problem was partly wrong thinking, and partly being too hard on myself. To become a person who was successful at losing weight, I had to learn to understand myself. Then, I had to commit to paying a lot of attention to myself and taking a lot of care of my needs. One thing I didn’t want, if I actually lost 120 pounds, was to gain the weight back. That meant the old me had to go.
The new me is truly committed to paying attention to my diet (the food I eat) and how it satisfies me. People have lots of layers of conflicting desires and needs. By paying attention to myself and through careful rewards, I found out what parts of my old thinking needed to go, forever. And I found new values to replace them. So far it’s worked, I’ve lost 40 pounds since January.
I see a lot of other people have trouble with weight loss and dieting. I’ve come to see the dieting concept as a waste of time – it’s a way of making temporary changes, forcing yourself to lose weight for a while. Then you go back to your old life and poof, you gain all the weight back again. It’s why diets fail so many people. I never made any significant weight loss in my whole adult life.
The first step on this journey is to accept that every thin person carefully monitors their weight and is careful about what they eat. If you are willing to admit that, you can be successful at lifelong control of your weight. This is a lifelong project and you will learn a lot about yourself, if you are willing to accept this first step. Good luck!
-The Doctor of Thin (gs)