
The Doctor appreciates getting mail and tries to read it all.  But responding to it all is a different story, and I won’t be able to respond to everything.  After all, I am employed full time and have a young family to spend time with.  But I will do my best to respond.  I also have ideas for sharing case studies of people who are trying to lose weight and find a healthier relationship with themselves (I wouldn’t reveal your name unless you wanted me to.)

Advice Seeking

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is self-knowledge, and that means a lifelong commitment to identifying and paying attention to your deep, unconscious needs and desires.  Keep in mind that every thin person monitors their weight and has a system to control it.  You are no different in that respect – you can learn how to do it, too.  

For now, I’ll do my best to give more personalized advice as people ask.  I am not a psychologist, but I have learned that self knowledge is important.  After a while, I will create a section for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).  My eventual plan is to set up a user forum with a page for questions.  I’ll contribute, and other people will too.  


I’m open to working with bloggers, content specialists, and other media types as that comes up.  My goal is to reach as many people as I can to show them how to lead more fulfilling lives (and also become thinner and stay that way).  That’s what this is all about – to become more fulfilled, not less, as you lose the weight.  


I will only endorse products and services that I buy and use myself.  If it is worth having, it is worth paying for.  I also do not plan to run any paid posts on my blog.  Someday, I might write a book about all this.  In that case, all names and details will be altered to protect the identities of my contributors.