20190413 Saturday weigh-in

Hello, everybody.  I have committed to a weekly weigh-in as part of my new lifestyle. 

That’s what thin people do.  They all  (1) monitor their weight and (2) monitor their food intake.  Be careful!  It’s so easy to fall back into your old life and old life, when you ignored your weight gain and didn’t monitor your food intake.  Keep going!  I plan to do this for as long as I plan to be thin.  That is, for the rest of my life.  Being in control of my weight is a value I have adopted right at the top of who I am – the new me.  

So how is the new me doing, monitoring my weight?  Last week I was 285.4 pounds.

A lower number than before

I need to be very consistent with my weighing.  I usually weigh-in once per week, on Saturday, before breakfast.  Today, I forgot.  I ate breakfast first!  So I waited to weigh until just before lunch.  I have no way of knowing how that changes things, so I don’t want to repeat that mistake next week.  But this means I have probably lost:


This week I had the recurrence of another old problem.  The weight measured by my scale fluctuated as I got off and on again.  My rule is, the first time I get on the scale is my weight.  So I stopped worrying about it.  My family also did their weigh-in today.  It’s as habit I plan to inculcate into our routine.  Every Saturday morning!  Later, we can take a family walk.  We will all learn together how to control each person’s weight.  

The weekly weigh-in is a time to take stock of my progress.  How am I doing?  It was a good week.  However, it still feels very slow.  I have lost weight, but I am still more than 70 pounds overweight.  That means I am still in large clothes and the differences I see in the mirror are still subtle.  Still, there is progress.  My rate of weight loss is still high.  I am on-track to lose all my extra weight by the end of the year.  It’s been a long time since I was normal weight.  What will that be like?  Will I make it?  What will my final weight be? 

It will also be a strange transition.  I will go from being in serious deficit (1800 calories per day), and raising my intake to about 2500 calories per day.  What will that do to my food intake plan?  It’s carefully balanced for losing weight.  Will I be able to let go and negotiate a new plan with myself?  

For now, I’d better stick to losing weight.  I’ve got some idea of what to do and how to do it.  The rest I will have to construct later.

-The Doctor