A lot of people who are losing weight are counting their calories. There’s an acronym for it – CICO. That’s Calories In Calories Out. So the mechanics of losing weight are well known and freely available on places like Reddit /loseit.
The important question for us is: how to keep doing it? For most of us, our unconscious goal when eating is to be full. Eating less than that – trying not to be full – flies in the face of everything we want from food. Counting and restricting calories are consequently very hard to do. Essentially you have to force yourself using willpower. You can only will that for so long. I think a lot of people find that intimidating. Much better to replace your food goal and alter your system of values. Then it’s not a question of willpower – you are acting in accordance with your goal and not against it.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – 2 x Meatloaf wraps (250)
- 500 calories
Lunch – Chocolate bar (220); Nestle Li’l Drums chocolate ice cream cone (120); Stroopwafel cookie (160)
- 500 calories
Dinner – 6 ounces cooked spaghetti (300); 5 meatballs (235)
- 535 calories
Snacking – tea with half and half (160)
- 160 calories
Total for the day: 1695 calories (limit 1800 + 500 bonus from swimming, total 2300)
Self knowledge is the way
What is self knowledge? In this dieting frame of reference, it is rich with meaning. It can be which foods are the most satisfying to you. It can be the knowledge that you will eat too much if you have a bad day. There are many parts to a person’s mind, many layers. What is the part of you that overeats candy when your will has forbidden it? Are you taken over by someone else? Probably not, but it’s evidence that you can be of two minds about things.
It’s important to think through this and learn as much about yourself as you can. Learn how to get your two minds working together. Learn your insecurities and triggers and be aware of when your parts are working together and when not! Never, ever put yourself in the position where you are saying, I hate myself. The next day after you have overeaten is a prime example. Your two minds can’t work together if you say you hate that part of you. That hated part is important and necessary and you must gain its cooperation. It’s all part of you and you have to get the parts lined up and negotiate a way through to your new goals. Then the different parts of your life come together and you will feel satisfied and full of meaning. You will start to wonder why you would live any other way.
-The Doctor