20190526 Daily report

Every day, I keep track of my food intake.  Every week, I post my weight.  There are a few exceptions.  When I am sick, strange things happen to my appetite.  Then strange things happen to my weight.  This is one of those times.  For dinner, I had a nice vegetable curry, one of my favorite recipes.  The rest of the day was not so typical.  


My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – dulce de leche torte (400); peanut butter and jelly (400); bratwurst sausage (300)

  • 1100 calories

Lunch – ramen soup (120); Italian sausage (200); pretzels and cheese (200)

  • 520 calories 

Dinner – vegetable curry and rice (400)

  • 400 calories

Snacking – ice cream (350); cookies (200)

  • 550 calories

Total for the day: 2570 calories (limit 1800)

Calorie and carbohydrate overload!

Recently, I have had a cold and have had strong cravings for carbohydrate rich foods.  After a short struggle last night, I decided to let go today and fulfill my desire for carbs.  I would continue to track everything but not live by my usual food goals and calorie limits. 

Something like this happened in February.  I didn’t track my food intake for three days and just wrote “carb feeding frenzy” with a guesstimate of 2000 calories per day.  When the cold ended a few days later, my regular appetite returned and I resumed tracking.  

This time, I am paying more attention to what I am eating, though not restricting myself.  It is strange.  Eating more calories and more carbs doesn’t feel satisfying.  At least, not as satisfying as my hunger-first method, that I have been living by for several months.  The feeling of being full is there, and that feels really strange.  I haven’t eaten enough to feel stuffed full since early April, when I went to the lunch buffet.  (And that buffet was carefully prepared for.  I was hungry for that buffet and I enjoyed….well, the first plate full.  After that, it wasn’t as exciting.)  Right now, and simultaneously, I want to eat more carbohydrate rich foods, but I am not enjoying the sensation of being full.  Mixed messages….

I don’t expect to make any progress on my weight loss at this rate!  But tomorrow is a new day.  Meantime I will try to figure out what to do about this craving while sick.  Have a good night!

-The Doctor