20190531 Daily report

Welcome!  Every day, I keep a log of everything I eat.  This task is a trade-off.  I want to control my weight and become thin and stay that way.  The price is paying attention.  If I keep track of what I eat, I will gain knowledge about how I gain and lose weight.  I can use that knowledge to keep in control of my weight.  Thin people (those who stay thin) all do this in different ways.

Before January of this year, I weighed 325 pounds and the number was not getting any smaller by itself.  So, I remade myself into a person who cared a lot about being thin and staying thin.  Part of the system I developed was to reward myself for losing weight.  What kind of rewards?  This kind!  

Blueberry reward pie! It's for tomorrow.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Costco pizza half slice (350)

  • 350 calories

Lunch – Chicken fajita wrap with peppers and onions in cream sauce (170); 2 x fritatta wraps with Parmesan and bacon (650)

  • 820 calories 

Dinner – 3 slices of Red Baron pizza (190)

  • 570 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); Nestle Li’l Drums vanilla cone (110)

  • 190 calories

Total for the day: 1930 calories (limit 1800 + 500 bonus from swimming, total 2300)

Reach and Reward

I have a few achievements coming up.  Tomorrow, I expect I will be under 270 pounds.  In a short time, I expect to be under 265 pounds, which means I will be half way through my weight loss phase.  It’s been an intense half year!  I have never paid so much attention to what I am eating and how I feel about it.  You may be thinking that rewarding myself using food is a bad idea.  I have read on weight loss forums that it is unhealthy to see food as a reward.  But to me, that makes as much sense as horse elbows.  I have already changed my whole relationship to food and eating.  Under my new food regime, food is a reward all the time.  Every meal is something to look forward to.  The reward of the next meal is what keeps me from over eating! 

Anyway, I have made a reward blueberry pie, using mostly my mother’s recipe.  How much does my reward cost?

  • crust 120 calories x 16 servings per package = 1920 calories
  • blueberries 6 cups = 510 calories 
  • sugar 1 cup = 773 calories

The total is 3203 calories.  Let’s call it 3200.  1/8 pie is 400 calories.  1/12 pie is 266 calories.  If I have 1/8 of the pie (after I get weighed tomorrow!), that is a perfectly reasonable breakfast of 400 calories.  I am going to grill tomorrow, so I have to stop with one piece so I can enjoy my freshly grilled lunch.  My reward fits into my weight loss regime and is still a reward I get to eat.  It will encourage me to get to the next milestone.  What will that reward be?  My rewards have all been food up till now.  I am thinking a restaurant may be involved this time.  

Rewards pull you forward, especially if you have transformed your eating goal.   Lead with your mind and your body will follow.  I am the proof.

-The Doctor