20190629 Saturday weigh-in

Part of my commitment to myself, an expression of my new values, is to weigh myself regularly from now on.   I have been doing that since January 2019, and I have been teaching the rest of the family, especially kids, to weigh themselves regularly.  That’s just how important it is, in terms of my new values.  What are the new values?  To be in control of my body’s weight.  To be as thin as I choose.  Those values are now superior in my moral hierarchy, to most other things.  It’s the price I am going to pay to keep control. 

Interruptions in the plan

Normally I post my weekly weighing in this spot.  I did weigh myself, but the number was almost the same as last week – down half a pound, that’s all.  I think I am getting sick and my body is retaining some fluid.  Remember I am wearing size 46 pants now, so I am losing weight.  My calorie numbers are on track.  I have been exercising, even.  This has happened before.  When I get sick, my weight fluctuates and becomes unreliable for a week or so.  I used to worry about interruptions in my weight loss a lot, but I am pretty confident in my system now.  Things will get back to normal as soon as I feel better.  I’ll keep writing.

-The Doctor