Time for my weekly weighing! This was a tense moment for me as I have not lost weight appreciably for several weeks, mostly due to illness.

Hooray, for two weeks in a row I have lost weight and this week it was appreciable at more than three pounds! Since starting my weight control diet in January 2019 I have lost:
I am away from home for the next few days and will be brief.
My historical pattern (all six months of it) is that during illness, my weight loss slows or halts, sometimes I even go up a pound, probably due to fluid retention. The first full week after recovery, I usually lose three pounds. That’s what happened this time! Last week I weighed in at 262.4 pounds.
Even though I had made this observation and told myself to expect it, it was still a very emotional experience. I was starting to worry that I had run into some kind of intractable plateau. No, I was just ill the last few weeks, and my weight is unreliable when I am ill. From fairly early in my food journal, I kept a column I color coded for illness (a lovely shade of green) and I was easily able to identify periods of illness and see what happened. I predicted last week that this would happen (losing three pounds after recovery), and it did. Next time I will be stronger in my faith.
Now it is time to think about rewards. How would you reward yourself after going from 320… 310… 300… 290… 280… 270… to below 260? Whatever I decide, I plan to be really, really nice to myself for my accomplishment. It’s amazing how well one responds to rewards and recognition, even from the self.
-The Doctor