20190803 Saturday weigh-in

Every Saturday I weigh in – literally, on a scale.  I have no idea before I step on, what I will weigh.  Some people weigh themselves every day.  I do it once per week.  It is a commitment I have made as part of my new lifestyle.  I will weigh myself every week and monitor my weight for the rest of my life.  It’s the only way I will get in control of my body’s weight.  Last week, I gain ed a pound.  IT was always unlikely, I just didnt’ eat enough to gain anything.  I was probably ill and retaining water.  I felt a little better yesterday and today, how did I do this time?

Lowest number ever

I have been stuck at or above 260 for a few weeks.  I was starting to have doubts about what I was doing to lose weight.  But this is very, very positive.  IF I continue to feel healthy, I may lose more weight in the next week.  But since starting in January, I have lost:


Halfway rut?

Since I achieved half of the 120 pound weight loss I want a month ago, I have been in a rut and it’s been uncertain what was going on with weight loss.  I am feeling like things are now a going bit harder than the first 60 pounds.  But now I have lost 7 more than 60!  Maybe this is a good sign and I will keep losing.  I will keep working away and see what I can achieve in the next week.  

Usually after I have been ill, the first full week I am better shows a very good weight loss in the 3 pound range.  That would be nice for next week.  I still kind of feel resentful about the weeks I lost while being ill.  There’s a “why did I bother dieting if it didn’t get me anywhere” feeling, as if I have sacrificed for nothing.

But if losing 120 pounds was easy, everyone would do it.  I am doing this new lifestyle partly to take control of my body.  As I worked this technique out, I learned this new lifestyle is attractive to me and makes me feel satisfied and fulfilled.  So I have reasons other than losing weight, to keep on it.  I am answering an important question: how much quality was missing from my life?  I didn’t realize that what I was doing before wasn’t satisfying or fulfilling, or was only cheaply so.  Now I’m after a deeper prize.  Where else is my life unsatisfying?  What else needs changing?  How about your life?  Let’s think about it.  

-The Doctor

This Post Has One Comment

  1. CPhil

    Hey Doc, congratulations! Half way home!!

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