Come what may, the daily report is a commitment to myself and my new lifestyle. Actually, my food journal is the underlying commitment. But the daily report is me thinking about it and facing up to the world I am trying to create. A world that has a thinner Doctor in it. I will keep the food journal and I will weigh myself every week. That gives me control. But it is nothing without the underlying decision to create a new me living the new life.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – 2 eggs (80); 1 ounce Velveeta (70); one slice of Pane Torano bread (140)
- 370 calories
Lunch – Half of a Pizza CS (400?); 3x Kentucky Legend ham slices (33)
- 500 calories
Dinner – Red lentil curry (340); 5 ounces cooked rice (160)
- 500 calories
Mostly late night extras– tea with half and half (160); cookies (400); ice cream (430); granola bar (100); apple breakfast bar (100); chocolate (500); bread and hummus (200); Cheerios and milk (300)
- 2000 calories
Total for the day: 3430 calories (limit 1800)
That's going to cost me
I’m not sure why I lost control tonight and ate so much after dinner. I am not myself, I have felt totally drained of energy all afternoon and evening. That’s part of it, I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. That was a mistake, I don’t react well to that.
Lunch was also a bit disappointing, though breakfast was nice. I couldn’t tell how many calories were in my lunch pizza (restaurant) so I had to guess how much to eat and how many calories it had. It was OK but wasn’t really satisfying to eat half of it.
Anyway, I knew I wasn’t happy about lunch, but I thought some cookies would make up for it,and I had a nice dinner planned – last of the lentil curry. And then I waited too long to eat. Anyway, the combination – lack of sleep, lack of energy and will, disappointment over lunch, frustration over the lack of energy, and waiting too long to eat…..I have to learn better to avoid all that. So far, I have had trouble with my diet when:
- Cold
- Sleepy or tired
- Sick
- Frustrated or upset (usually about meals not going well)
- Too hungry (letting myself go too long before having a meal)
Any combination of those is worse. I have slowly learned over these last several months that I can’t let myself get too hungry. That tripped me up several times. I even started carrying packs of beef jerky in the car and my bag, though I usually forgot about them or denied to myself that I needed them. But it seems like letting myself get too tired and exhausted can be just as bad. I can’t allow the combination.
So it seems I must revive a commitment to sleep. I must go to bed on time. By itself, being tired doesn’t break my diet, but in combination with other things it is not good. I can’t always control when other bad things will happen. So I have to prevent tiredness being a factor. Originally, my spreadsheet had a column for recording my sleep, but I stopped trying to do that about two months ago.
As usual, this is a chance to learn and improve. I am grateful that I have the ability to think through these problems and make adjustments. It’s important to keep yourself happy when you are asking a lot from yourself. And losing 120 pounds is asking a lot. It’s worth paying a little attention.
-The Doctor
I would add lack of conscience. If you have a bad day, it is yesterday. Today is an opportunity for a new page. Sometimes examination of the past day – week – month is helpful for motivations, discipline, discovery. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I was hungry, so I ate. In the end, what have you done for me lately, what will you do today? Worrying too much about yesterday can only lead to doubt and lack of motivation. Today what will you eat, how will you unburden your mind, how will you exercise and what time will you go to sleep?
Lack of conscience? That seems a bit harsh. I did have some Cheerios during my binge, are you saying I am a CEREAL killer???
At least a cereal eater!!