20190810 Daily report

Normally, this would be a Saturday weigh-in post.  But I couldn’t afford a Saturday weigh-in.  I am all freaked out by my terrible diet week.  Even though my total calorie count was not that bad, I was too chicken to get on the scale this morning and check.  

But getting weighed is an important component of controlling your weight.  I can’t escape for ever.  I may get on tomorrow, with one eye shut.  The other important component, of course, is paying attention to what you are eating.  Regulating your intake.  Watching what you eat.  It’s true, I wasn’t that good at doing that either this week.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – pork potstickers (250); pretzels and cheese (300)

  • 550 calories

Lunch – chicken and hummus wraps (300); cookies (300)

  • 600 calories 

Dinner – ice cream (300); Snickers ice cream bar (180)

  • 480 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); candy (90)

  • 170 calories

Total for the day: 1800 calories (limit 1800)

Reset, please!

My average calories for the week: 2200 per day, or 15,400 total.  That shouldn’t be that bad, considering that I have to eat about 3200 per day to gain weight, or 22,400 calories.  What I recorded is nearly 7000 calories less than the break even point and so I should weigh less, right?  But I have psyched myself out.  There have been too many times when I was ill and should have lost weight by the calorie count….and didn’t.  I am also worried that having had some bad diet days is weighing on my system (ha ha).  I want to let that work itself out.  Anyway, if I was braver about the scale I would weigh myself anyway.  It is always better to know.  Maybe I will face up to it tomorrow.

Anyway, I have gotten myself into a bad mental state.  I am staying up late every night, and letting my attention wander from my diet.  I can’t have that, not if I want to succeed.  My plan now is to make sure I am fully prepared to have a good week.  That means planning out meals and making sure I have lots of the foods I will need.  And I want it to be a rewarding week, so I will have to have things to look forward to.  That will get me back into a good mental frame of mind.  

As for going to bed on time, I’m not sure what’s up with that.  But it will have to change, so I can keep my effort on my primary goal.  Keep paying attention!  That’s the way forward; pay attention and have reards to look forward to.

-The Doctor