On Saturday, I weigh myself. It’s one of the two mechanisms I use to ensure control of my body’s weight. (1) Regulate your food intake and (2) weigh yourself regularly.
(1) has to do with what I eat and how much, and when during the day. I am learning more and more about myself, which makes regulating intake much easier.
(2) means in general once per week. This week, I tried weighing myself every day, and there was variation in the early part of the week. But there really wasn’t by the end fo the week. Here’s how I did:

The two weeks ago Saturday weighing had me at 258 pounds, and I was 258 last Sunday too. So four pounds is a lot to lose in one week, but there were special circumstances. Since starting my program of weight control I have lost:
49 pounds to go?!
Last week (August 2-9) I had several days of high calorie eating – bad diet days. This week, I was able to regulate my food intake better, by paying attention and using my self-knowledge to see where I had been letting myself down. (I sometimes refer to myself in the third person like this, or talk about my body vs. my mind. All I mean is that there are lots of different layers to a person’s consciousness, and they are not always working together. My goal is to unify myself towards a positive project, to achieve success. So far, 71 pounds of success.)
But first, some revelry. Yay! The last six weeks have been a trial, my weight coming down but very stubbornly slowly. Now I am completely healthy, and have used my values and self knowledge to re-align myself with the goal: weight control. There was immediate success: weight went down from 258 to 254. Now, four pounds in a week isn’t usual. But I was coming off a week (Aug 2-9) with several bad diet days, so my system had a chance to clear out this week (Aug 10-17). So last week’s and this week’s weight loss came together and were visible today. Next week I don’t expect to have lost four pounds!
Something different: I weighed myself every day this week. I was curious. Interestingly, my weight bounced around a lot the first few days as my system got cleared out from the bad dieting days, then was pretty steady. So, from Sunday to Saturday the results were:
- 258.0
- 257.2
- 258.8
- 255.4
- 255.2
- 254.8
- 254.0
I’m not sure I will keep doing this daily weighing, but it made Saturday a bit less scary.
In a way, this week was an amazing experience. It was a re-awakening , as I realized I had drifted away from my weight loss program successes, and fixed it. Literally, I felt no hunger after the dinners and it seemed like I had eaten a lot of food! I was actually worried that I was counting the calories wrongly, it didn’t seem like I could be correct. But every day (in the last half of the week) the scale showed a lower and lower number. And today the success is obvious. That is so inspiring and a reason to keep going. Getting control of your body’s weight can be a satisfying and rewarding process, but do you ever have to pay attention.
Think hard to find a good goal, and then change yourself to be a person who values the right things that support the goal. Coordinate those together and it is hard to stop you.
-The Doctor
Yay! So glad you were able to conquer the beast! Congratulations: Can 250 and its food reward be far behind this success?