My daily task: regulate my food intake, in order to control my body’s weight. I regulate food intake largely by writing it all down in a food journal. Measuring the food is the first level of controlling your weight. If you know how much you have eaten, and keep track of it every day, you get a picture of your eating habits and calorie intake. You can use your knowledge of your eating habits to achieve higher levels of control – like carefully and judiciously eliminating calories from your daily intake.
Why would you do any of this? Because you have changed yourself into someone who cares a lot about their body’s weight. It is a lens you see the world through. You sacrifice to achieve it.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – 2x kofta kebab wraps with yogurt sauce (300)
- 600 calories
Lunch – 2x bratwurst wraps (300)
- 600 calories
Dinner – 2x Spanish tortilla slices (166); Snickers ice cream bar (180)
- 520 calories
Snacking – tea with half and half (80)
- 80 calories
Total for the day: 1800 calories (limit 1800)
Back to work!
I did a lot of unusual travel over the last week. It was pretty hard on my digestion and I have taken a few days to recover. During that time, I stuck to my calorie limits pretty well, but things didn’t feel right. I wasn’t hungry for the usual foods I like, and I had cravings for things I usually avoid. Also, my body feels heavy and my digestion feels sluggish. I was also sleepier than usual. Last, I didn’t put a lot of effort into what I was thinking about food and weight control. I didn’t even do any reading! However, I am starting to feel better and got quite hungry today (though it was 10AM before I was hungry for breakfast).
My only deep thought today is an observation I’ve made before but has to be repeated. Don’t let anything or anyone stand in the way of what you know must be done in pursuit of your goal. That includes yourself; don’t stand in the way of your own weight control. Your old values will fight to regain their old place at the top of your world. You can’t let them, though it might be tempting and you may have moments of weakness. If you keep paying attention and keep your new lifestyle flowing from your new set of values, you will regain your equilibrium eventually. It may take a few days. But you can do it. Just realize that having values means there are things you will give up for them.
Pick your values and goals well, and then stick to them. Other parts of your life can still be important (old values), just not as important. Choose well what you put at the top of your consciousness.
-The Doctor