20191110 Daily report

Thank goodness for the ability to live life on two levels.  One level is day by day.  The other level is long term: week by week, month by month, year by year.  I have been living a weight control lifestyle for nearly 11 months, and I have been totally committed and dedicated to he goal.  It shows, but there has been a price (which I have been willing to pay).  The price is that everything else comes second.  

Now I am trying to find a new balance, and it is demanding.  Work, family, career, hobbies, and other things have all been neglected correspondingly and need energy and attention.  Luckily, I have 11 months of knowledge and data to help me do this.  What have I learned?  First, I am willing to eat less food if every meal is a reward.

My idea of a good time: bratwurst

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – steel cut oats (100)

  • 100 calories

Lunch – 2x bratwurst (260); 1/2 whole wheat wrap (55); onions and mustard

  • 600 calories 

Dinner – 10oz Hopping John (240); 5oz cooked rice (160)

  • 400 calories

Snacking – Baklava and cookies (300); tea with half and half (80); more cookies and candy (500); chocolate almonds (160); cheese and pretzels (300);

  • 1340 calories

Total for the day: 2440 calories (limit 1800)

Time of change

For some reason I don’t yet understand, the last two days I have been more out-of-control than usual.  My mealtimes have been all over the place, I have not paid attention to the cycle of anticipation and reward, and my calorie counts and eating habits over the last two days have been way off.  Thank goodness that tomorrow is a new day.  I don’t try to eat fewer calories tomorrow to make up for eating more today.  That has never worked.  But tomorrow can be a new day where I get it right.  And next week can likewise be a good week. 

Tonight, I need some rest.  Tomorrow, after all, is a new day.  

-The Doctor