A weight control lifestyle is a long term approach to the problem of weight gain. It is useful to think of it in layers. Every meal is counted in a food journal. There is a calorie goal every day. Every week is a weighing, where the effects of the previous week are checked. That means, realistically, that every day is a new day and every week is a new week. A chance to start again, to make things better. Today didn’t go well? Tomorrow can be a perfect day. This week was spoilt? Never mind, you can work on having a good week now.
This is all is part of what makes weight control a success in the long term. You can persue perfection every day and every week.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – 2T peanut butter (190); 2T strawberry jelly (100); toast (150);
- 440 calories
Lunch – catered office lunch of chicken kebabs, salads, falafel and pita, with cupcakes (400);
- 400 calories
Dinner – 1/6 of a Spanih tortilla (333); 1T mayonnaise (100)
- 433 calories
Snacking – tea with half and half (80); granola bar (100); chips and salsa (150); baguette and cheese (200); chocolate almonds (160);
- 690 calories
Total for the day: 1963 calories (limit 1800)
Another busy day
No deep thoughts today. I have to run and take care of some things. I am still recovering from my intestinal complaint, but I noticed I feel less cold during the day. Things are looking up! On the other hand, I just ate about 400 calories at 9PM, which is not the way to control your weight.
Spanish tortilla is a family favorite, everyone eats it. It’s 10 eggs, 1/2C olive oil, 1 onion, 1# of potatoes, 1/4tsp pepper and 1.5tsp salt. The onions, potatoes, and oil, with half the salt are cooked on the stovetop (covered) until fully softened, then the whisked eggs, pepper and remaining salt are folded in, briefly set and then put into a 425 degree oven for 9-10 minutes. The whole thing is 2000 calories (thanks, olive oil!). It works for every meal, though I don’t usually make it in the summer (too hot).
-The Doctor