20200116 Daily report

My job every day is to keep track of how many calories I am eating.  Some days that is easy and some days that is hard. 

This is one of the hard days.  That’s because I have been having some intestinal issues since Monday, and it’s reached the point where I am having trouble going on controlling my food intake.  Yesterday I was very tired and drained, especially by evening.  Today, full of energy.  Yesterday, I was too cold.  Today, I was too hot.  Lots of intestinal activity since Monday.  All week, I have done a good job of keeping my calorie intake under control.  Not today!  

So I’m not going to go on about it.  Hopefully my body will take care of it by this weekend.  I’m not feeling ill and it’s not affecting my life much – I’m not taking any medication even.  I can wait a little longer.  

-The Doctor