20200203 Daily report

Weight control is the ultimate long term project.  It lasts as long as you want to maintain your weight.  Do you want to be in control of your body’s weight as long as you are alive?  Then that’s how long you will have to work at it.  It’s probably true.  I have seen thin people eat, and they are very careful.  

Controlling your weight is mostly mental.  Once you get your food intake under control, your body will follow along and your weight will decrease.  That’s what has happened for me so far.  

Steak umm

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – 2 cups Cheerios (200) and 1 cup whole milk (150)

  • 350 calories

Lunch – steak and cheese sandwich (500); 

  • 500 calories 

Dinner – bread and butter (300); ice cream (300)

  • 600 calories

Snacking – dessert bread (400)

  • 400 calories

Total for the day: 1850 calories (limit 1800)

Roller coaster days

The weight control game is almost 100% mental, and to me that includes having a well regulated emotional response. I completed last week under good control of my food intake, for the first time in a while, and reduced my weight a bit.  It might have been a bit too much pressure for me though, because I had a roller coaster weekend, eating nearly 3000 calories Saturday and then 1500 Sunday.  That kind of thing really plays havoc with my internal workings.  My stomach still doesn’t feel normal, and I got so hungry by 4PM today that I ate my whole dinner and snack before 5.  Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal.  

I am still figuring all this out, but my guess right now is that if I can keep my focus on my higher eating goals and values, it will be possible to counter any need for eating for emotional reasons.  Basically, I have learned to couple emotional hunger and the comfort of eating and food.  I want to uncouple them, and have physical and emotional hungers separate and to develop a system for keeping both of those hungers satisfied, in the most practical yet highest quality ways I can.  That has worked well for me so far, on the physical side of things.  

One other thing keeps coming up – I have to take better care of my rest and sleep needs.  I’ve let myself get tired and not go to bed on time, night after night.  That’s not good for various reasons.  I wonder if that’s emotional too, or coupled to something else.  I will continue to think about it.  Maybe I can try finding a rewarding way to develop some regular habits.  It will be good for me.

-The Doctor