The goal of eating for my weight control lifestyle is constant: never eat so much at one meal, that you are not hungry for your next meal. It takes a lot of paying attention to make that happen. But it is very powerful as a goal. The promise of the next meal pulls you forward. Eating too much is sabotage! So it’s important to pay attention and tend to yourself, since you are giving up the comfort that eating just a little more would bring you. Have your next meal ready to pull you forward, which means planning and cooking ahead. It means figuring out what you really want and getting yourself ready to properly enjoy it.
My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – BLT wraps (400)
- 400 calories
Lunch – chips (300); pretzels and cheese (300)
- 600 calories
Dinner – Costco pepperoni pizza (710)
- 710 calories
Snacking – tea with half and half (80);
- 80 calories
Total for the day: 1790 calories (limit 1800)
Tomorrow is a chance at a perfect day
Not only does the promise of the next meal pull you forward, but so does the promise of tomorrow. Tomorrow is a chance to do everything right. Get enough days right, and your weight and eating will slowly come under control. But what holds it together? Why do these things?
It starts at the top, with a decision to put weight control at the top of your mind, the highest of your moral values, your dearest hobby and almost the reason you are living! One you have done that, then the mechanism you use comes more easily and it is possible to find a way that doesn’t rely on force and willpower. If you are forcing yourself, you will fail as soon as you run out of will. So don’t. Find out what you want and make sure you get some – use it to reward yourself and keep yourself on track. Pay attention to your needs and pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. I can’t let myself be late for meals without paying a price later.
Learn yourself. The saying goes: know your enemy and know yourself, and you will always be victorious. In this case, the enemy is also you, which makes it easier.
-The Doctor