20200208 Saturday weigh-in

Saturday!  I weigh myself every Saturday.  What will happen?  To me it is always a surprise.  By keeping my calorie count, I have a rough idea of whether I will lose weight.  Sometimes I don’t, even though my calorie count has been properly limited to under 13,300 for the week.  I have learned to associate that situation with getting sick, and the weight issue is temporary.  But usually, if the calorie count is acceptable, I lose up to 3 pounds (usually two) per week.  There are two complications this time: 1. Until recently I have having trouble getting my head focused on proper weight control goals and values.  I lost about 87 pounds last year using that focus, but then gained back nearly 10 pounds in December and January.  This was through not paying attention and letting my focus wander.  2. My calorie total this week was 14,000, mostly because I had one bad diet day at the beginning of the week.

Last week was the first time I had lost weight since November, 2019.  My total weight last week was 243 pounds, down from 246 two weeks ago.  So I still have some work to do to get below my previous low weight of 237 (November).  So what happened this morning on the scale was a surprise.

When I got on the scale this morning, my weight was 238.6.  That’s down 5 pounds!  I took a shower, and when I tried weighing again, my weight was 239.4.  Surprise!  On the good side, both weights were below 240, which I wasn’t expecting.  But what I actually weigh, I am not sure.  I always use the first weight the scale gives me, but it was very strange today.  One doesn’t normally gain a pound by taking a shower.  Usually washing away the dirt would make you weigh less!  

Unexpected weight gain and loss

When I diet well but don’t lose weight for the week, I know I am getting sick.  When I diet well (excepting one day) but lose 4-5 pounds, what does that mean?  I can only speculate as that kind of thing doesn’t usually happen.  Anyway, I seem to weigh less than 240 again.  I had that accomplishment once before (November 2019). 

My next goal: 230 pounds.  That is interesting because it’s on the way to 225 pounds.  At that point I will have lost 100 pounds from when I started.  My original goal was to lose 120 pounds.  That would take me down to 205 pounds.  How will I celebrate the loss of 95 pounds, 100, 110, and 120?  It will be pretty exciting.  Based on last year’s results, it will take about 4-5 months to reach that goal.  Maybe….July?

It’s exciting to think about.  Goals pull you forward, and I feel pretty inspired to have a good diet week.  Once I get below 237.4, I will start posting pictures of my scale again every Saturday.  

Have a perfect week!

-The Doctor