The last thing I want is to backslide on weight control, but that is the easiest thing in the world to do. Weight control is a long term strategy. First, you imagine yourself as a new person. This new you values controlling their body’s weight more than just about anything. The new you is almost obsessed with this goal and has it near the top of their mind all the time. As Terry Pratchett might say, nobody is naturally thin, but when you wake up in the morning, it is weight control that is your alarm clock. It’s the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing at night. When you eat, you hardly finish before you rush to your journal to write down what it was. Sometimes, I write down the meal before I even eat it, but wait to fill in the calorie count until I am done, haha.
Backsliding is easy because the old you is still in your brain, and maybe you have years of experience thinking and acting like the old you. Lose concentration for a while and you will go back to the old way. A month of not paying much attention might cost you 10 pounds. You can’t lose sight of why you are doing all this. The new you knows the answer to that and you should listen.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – Noodles and red sauce (250); Doritos (150)
- 400 calories
Lunch – 4 ounces rice (120); 12 ounces vegetable curry (330);
- 450 calories
Dinner – half Aldi pizza (570);
- 570 calories
Snacking – tea with half and half (120); bread (150); Reese’s peanut butter heart (170);
- 440 calories
Total for the day: 1860 calories (limit 1800 + 500 bonus from swimming, total 2300)
Third time hopefully the last time
I didn’t weigh myself regularly the last month and I am not sure what tomorrow will bring. But I am pretty sure I will be above 240 pounds. I had a good week and there is every chance to have another good week now, so I am pretty happy on that front – the prospect of progress is alluring. But if I am right, and even headed in the right direction, it will be the third time crossing that mark. I weighed 237 at the end of last year, went up to 246, then back down to 239 just a few weeks ago. All this zigzag!
But that is the danger of losing focus, letting go. Your old weight gaining life is waiting for you. This is the price of weight control and I am coming to understand that every thin person I meet is working to stay that way. The thinner they are, the harder they are working at it. That’s my guess. Someday, I might know for sure.
Do you see the attraction of the system where you eat the same foods every day? How much simpler it makes the work! But it doesn’t make it any easier. That comes from the top. Make it your alarm clock.
-The Doctor