Just paying attention is the first step in controlling your weight. If you are weighing yourself regularly, writing down what you eat (in calories) in a food journal, and noticing patterns in what you like to eat, and when, and why – that is all valuable information. You don’t even have to be trying to control your weight. Just the act of watching, of paying attention, will give you all he ammunition you need to construct a weight loss lifestyle.
I can’t eat cake for breakfast. (I’ll be hungry again in an hour.) I can’t stand feeling deprived or hungry for very long. I like my meals spaced out at 9, 11.30, and 5.30. I learned all that about myself before I had lost any weight. Another thing I noticed is that I am willing to put up with calorie restriction if I have a favorite meal to look forward to.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – colcannon soup with bacon (300); cold chicken pieces (100);
- 400 calories
Lunch – Big Greek Cafe Famous $5 Gyro Wednesdays!!!! (600)
- 600 calories
Dinner – barbecued chicken pieces (400);
- 400 calories
Snacking – tea with half and half (80); mac and cheese (100); yogurt (100); pretzels (100); cheese (100);
- 480 calories
Total for the day: 1880 calories (limit 1800)
Late night
Part of weight control is deciding you are going to be responsible for your body. There is no magic food, magic diet, etc. That is just a way of blaming magic for your problems.
Now, I have noticed my body reacts well to some foods better than others. Some are very filling and satisfying for hours. Some leave me feeling hungry quickly. And some I just don’t like. I don’t like rolled oats. I discovered I do like steel cut oats, and those are very satisfying. They take a bit of time to cook, which is a tradeoff. They take 40 minutes or so, and a lot more trouble than pouring a bowl of cereal. But one way I keep from eating at night is promising myself a breakfast to look forward to. And who looks forward to cereal? Hot steel cut oats with maple syrup, though, are special. You might be willing to put off eating (at night) foods that are not as good.
Eating at night has always been a troublesome behavior for me. But I have found this way around it. So far it works, if I make it work.
What are you looking forward to?
-The Doctor