It’s the Saturday weigh-in ,weighing, and a-weighin’. To weigh in also means to say an opinion. Plus the weighing part. Let me weigh in! Like I do every Saturday. Saturday is the reset day. I weigh myself in the morning, before breakfast, every week. People who stay thin by choice, check their weight all the time. In a prosperous society, staying thin takes work, and don’t forget it. Most of all, pay attention.
But your mind has to be in the right place so you can motivate yourself. You can’t force yourself thin. That comes slow and steady, once your mind is right.

It’s not a lot of weight lost since last week, but it is still the lowest number ever. Hooray! Since I started working on controlling my weight, I have lost:
Slowing pains
When I woke up this morning and got on the scale, I wasn’t optimistic. It has been a hard week and weight loss has been slow. But amazingly, the reading was 233.0. But when I went to get my camera, I couldn’t get that number back, even not holding the camera. That’s unusual, my scale usually replicates well. I’ve had this happen before, though. One Saturday a few months ago, I weighed myself, took a shower, dried off and got on the scale again. I was up a whole pound! So there is some drift. Would I weigh the same at the doctor’s office? Well, I am confident that the trend is down.
This brings me to pants. With all the teleworking, I have been wearing pants less often and since my weight has paused around 240 for the first 6 months of the year, I have kept wearing pants in the 44-46 waist size. Yesterday, I tried on some 42 size pants as a clue to myself – have I really been losing weight? My body doesn’t look and feel that different to me at 233 (point 4?) than it did at 243. But the pants: I put them on and they closed without compression. They were snug, not loose, but they did fit. So change is occurring.
It’s hard to keep perspective. Having lost 91.6 pounds doesn’t make me thin. I still want to lose more weight – my original idea of a healthy weight for my body was 200 pounds. Now I am wondering if 185 is a better goal. But first things first. 200 pounds is the target, and I will be happy to get there.
There’s still the issue of headspace. The author Terry Pratchett talked about getting your head right before making things happen. Where is my head? All this emphasis on a weight goal isn’t where I want to be. I want to be creating a life I enjoy and will be motivated to work to keep. I’m going to have to think about that some more.
But still, this is my lowest weight ever (going down, anyway, I weighed this much once going the other direction). Hooray for the weight control lifestyle and the food journal!
-The Doctor