20200806 Daily Report double quick time!

11PM and where did the time go!  I was so busy today and I didn’t prepare a lot of the food I ate so there was a little guessing involved in counting the calories!  I will have to do calculations later.  I had veal cannelloni for lunch and dinner because they were so good – sheets of pasta stuffed with veal, spinach, and ricotta, and covered with bechamel and cheese.  Yes, I did have one little, little piece of fudge that came with a tremendous price tag!  Did you know that 36g of fudge is about 150 calories?  Now you know.  That’s just over an ounce.  

Canneloni! I should have cut it open first for a better view of the layers.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Costco pizza half slice (380)

  • 380 calories

Lunch – 2x Canneloni (200); baguette piece (50); 36g peanut butter fudge (150);

  • 600 calories 

Dinner – Canneloni (200); 5oz pulled pork (250); broccoli (25);

  • 475 calories

Snacking – None today

  • 0 calories

Total for the day: 1455 calories (limit 1700)

No time today for chitchat

I did walk today – just a mile or so.  Every little bit helps.  I am pretty sure I am going to have a negative experience on Saturday when I weigh in.  Negative is good in this case, I am saying I will weigh less than last week!  I don’t want a positive experience on my scale.

Tomorrow I will calculate how many calories were actually in those Cannelloni.  It will still be a bit of a guess, though.  Keep busy!

-The Doctor