My wisdom will be extra pithy today. I don’t have a lot of time! I haven’t been walking in several days, but I took a darkwalk tonight – started just before dusk and it was full dark by the time I got back from the three miles. Exercise seems important and worth sacrificing for. Good food, likewise.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – Bagel (330); salami (100); 80g ham (130);
- 560 calories
Lunch – chicken enchilada (300); watermelon (25);
- 325 calories
Dinner – Spanish tortilla (500); mayonnaise (50); watermelon (25);
- 575 calories
Snacking – pretzels (100);
- 100 calories
Total for the day: 1560 calories (limit 1700)
...and I fell fast asleep
It’s good to work hard, then you are tired afterwards. And hungry. Physical labor is better for hunger than mental labor, that’s well known. While keeping busy keeps your mind on non food things, another essential is getting enough sleep. People don’t always think about that. Without enough sleep your ability to keep your mind on the job and stay away from the kitchen will be severely compromised.
Tomorrow I have another busy day. That means sleep, bed for me! Sleep well, everyone. Dream of a life you want to live, where your weight is under control. But it’s not just weight, is it? It’s being in control of your life.
-The Doctor