20200816 Daily report with exercise

Today was a good day for food, diet, and eating.  A good day is when you maintain your weight control lifestyle.  I have found two ways to make the lifestyle work so far!  The first is paying it a lot of attention.  It becomes a hobby and the most important thing you do all day.  That works, but the danger is that everything else in your life becomes less important.  The second way is to pick another obsession – like career – but still maintain weight control by staying minimally on top of it.  I can do that because I have developed some good habits in the last year.  Picking foods I like, measuring portions, writing down calories in a food journal, and learning the importance of at least some exercise!

I can't get enough of this!

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – leftover pizza (500)

  • 500 calories

Lunch – 2x Italian sausages (240); peach (40)

  • 520 calories 

Dinner – 5oz cooked rice (160); beef and broccoli stir-fry (315)

  • 475 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80);

  • 80 calories

Total for the day: 1575 calories (limit 1700)

When sedentary is up!

My current lifestyle is heavy on remote work .  That means a lot of sitting in front of the computer and I am the most sedentary I have ever been.  That is not working very well with a steady and disciplined approach to weight control, and I am seeing progress but in small spurts.  It’s still progress.

Walking is now my major exercise.  I walk 3 miles at a time hopefully 3x per week.  I have discovered I like a certain amount of exercise and I miss swimming and all the running around I used to do pre-Corona virus.  But that was then and this is now.  We can find ways to cope!

It’s more important than ever to find out what thin people are doing – I mean, people who have stayed thin over the years.  It does take constant discipline and vigilance.  But if you set up your lifestyle and incentives the right way, it will result in a life you like to be living.  

Let’s talk about that lifestyle and incentives some more this week.

-The Doctor