20200820 Daily report: almost there!

Weight control is a daily job.  Day-by-day, I keep track of my calories and portions in a food journal.  Ideally, I recommend filling it in as soon as you have eaten.  That means measuring your food before you eat it!  

Chicken enchiladas. Pretty and pretty good.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Strata with eggs, bacon, cheese, and bread (300)

  • 300 calories

Lunch – Bratwurst (260); 1/4 Lavash wrap (30); Hershey’s chocolate bar (220);

  • 510 calories 

Dinner – 2x chicken cheese and bean enchiladas (200); sour cream (50); salad with dressing (75);

  • 525 calories

Snacking – pretzels (110); 

  • 110 calories

Total for the day: 1445 calories (limit 1700)

The shrinking calorie limit

When I first started on the weight control lifestyle, I was making a study of how thin people saw the world.  People who had stayed thin throughout adulthood.  I saw that they were putting a lot of effort into it.  So I developed the Doctor’s Law of Diminishing Returns:

“The thinner you want to stay, the more effort it takes.”

Is it profound, no.  But I am finding it is true.  The closer I get to a normal weight the harder it is to lose!  When I started all this, I lost about 2 pounds a week eating an average of 1850 calories per day.  Now I am finding it difficult to match that performance on an average of 1650 calories per day.  OK, there is the fact that I am not exercising as much.  But I think it will get slower and harder unless I keep up with some exercise, more often than I am doing now.  

Pay attention to how much you are eating and why you are eating and you have learned everything you need to know yourself and control your weight.

-The Doctor