Saturday! Saturday is the first day of my food week. It’s the day I weigh myself. And I give myself every advantage. I didn’t overeat on Friday, I weighed myself before breakfast, AND I went for a walk yesterday. Saturday is a day when I look ahead and know that I have a new week where I can get everything right.
But this week didn’t go badly either.

222 pounds! The last time I weighed that was 20 years ago. It’s about time I started to get it together. But for now, I am happy because it means since January 2019 I have lost:
Still Not Thin
Weighing over 220 pounds does not get me into the thin club. I am overweight still and anyone meeting me the first time doesn’t know I have lost 103 pounds. Still, most people I have met would notice the difference, if we weren’t all socially distant all the time. Anyway, that is a bit frustrating if you look at it that way. So I won’t. I have lost 103 pounds and my original plan – I don’t say goal – was to lose 120 pounds. I am starting to close in on that number. I have lost almost 86% of 120 pounds. I wonder what size pants I will fit into now? (OK, I checked. I can comfortably fit into size 42 pants. For size 40s I can close them but they are a bit tight to wear.)
For my body, the extra weight is around my middle mostly, as a lot of the rest of my body has been thinning out. My face and neck and hands and feet are noticeably thinner than when I started weight control.
The reason I don’t call 120 pounds a goal is because that’s not how I have trained myself to see the world. My goal is weight control and that is really a lifestyle that I have developed and that I like. I want to do it because it is rewarding to me, so it is a lot easier than if I was forcing myself. You want to avoid any kind of diet where you are forcing yourself to eat less using willpower. My successful approach takes discipline and work, but a lot less willpower is needed to resist eating extra food. Anyway, 120 is just a number. When I have lost 120 pounds I will weigh 205. Will I stop there? Probably not. But we shall see. I have found that you have to work harder as you get closer and closer to a more normal weight.
Set up a life you want to live and you will work hard to get there and stay there!
-The Doctor