20200831 Daily report: end of August

The end of August!  It’s almost the end of summer.  The first half of this year, practically speaking, I didn’t lose any weight.  It was The Great Pause.  It started before the Corona Virus lockdown.  Then suddenly in June I found I was able to lose weight consistently.  However, even though I was eating the same as before (1800 calories per day) I was losing very slowly – less than a pound per week.  Why did I stop?  How did I start again?  

Then, I found out how to lose more than a pound a week again!

This was good sausage chili.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – beef and broccoli (315); rice (50);

  • 365 calories

Lunch – 2x bratwurst (260); Ole wrap (50)

  • 570 calories 

Dinner – 12oz sausage and bean chili (420); braised snap peas (60)

  • 480 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); 

  • 80 calories

Total for the day: 1480 calories (limit 1700)

Why stop?

I stopped controlling my food intake in December 2019.  First I was ill, then I was on vacation away from home and my food scale, holiday food, and lots of other excuses.  I didn’t even get on a scale in December!  

But by January 11 2020 I had gained 8 pounds from my November, 2019 low of 237.4 pounds.  At the start of the year I tried to come under control again.  And again, and again.  I couldn’t get it together for more than a couple weeks, it seemed like.  

On the good side, I didn’t gain any more weight after January.  I stayed in the mid 240s for several months. That’s a kind of progress, that I didn’t go back to my old habits and keep gaining and undo all my work.  I wasn’t in total control but at least I wasn’t totally out of control either.  

At the time, I was pretty unhappy even with that silver lining.  I was used to losing 2 pounds a week and feeling pretty good about myself.  Looking back at my calorie counts and eating patterns during that time, it’s clear that I was eating too many calories to lose weight.  (Today, I see that as good information.  How many calories a week does my body need to stay at a consistent weight?  I can use that data to get an idea.)

Suddenly, in June, I started to lose weight consistently.  But that part of the story will be told another time.  Keep track of your calorie count!

-The Doctor