It’s hard to concentrate on weight control when you are not feeling well. It happens, though. What do you do?
I have learned I can’t force myself to do this for long. I have to want to do it, and that means waiting out the illness. I don’t worry too much about my calorie count, or when I should eat or getting hungry. I haven’t been well since Friday and am still not all better. I am recovering, though. But today will be an abridged posting.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Getting better just takes time. But during this time I have found I am not hungry in the mornings at all. I am finding I want to eat in the evenings, and I have less appetite for meat and cheese and protein. I have a big appetite for bread, pretzels, and crackers. And chocolate. I am not sure why that is, but it makes it hard to be on my usual routine. The foods I usually like aren’t interesting when I’m sick, and I have little interest in calorie counting. I’ve had this situation before, in 2019. So far, whenever I get better, my appetite goes back to normal.
Until then, just bear it. Tomorrow is another day.
-The Doctor