20200929 Daily report: 1000 words

Alas, no pictures today.  I was forgetful.

Today is another day of weight control!  And today the Doctor controlled it mightily!  That is, it just so happened that I was busy at lunchtime and not very hungry and…skipped it.  I don’t recommend doing this often, but I really wasn’t hungry until near dinnertime because I had my mind on my work.  

This fits in with one of my values: if you’re not physically hungry, don’t eat.  Conversly, don’t try to skip a meal when you are hungry.  That is counterproductive.  The goal is to live a lifestyle that you like.  That way, you won’t have to force yourself to do it.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Beef and cheese enchilada (370) with sour cream (50);

  • 420 calories

Lunch – skipped! (00)

  • 0 calories 

Dinner – corned beef (150); potatoes (100); cabbage (50); carrots (30);

  • 330 calories

Snacking – coconut cake (300); crackers (110)

  • 410 calories

Total for the day: 1160 calories (limit 1700)

What gives with the skipping?

Skipping a meal was an accident, but it turned out well.  I even got to eat the last piece of coconut cake for dessert – oh no, that was another chance to take a picture, wasn’t it?  I was very distracted today.

Anyway, today was a success.  I focused on my work and ignored the clock and all the cues to when I should be hungry.  Since I didn’t realize I should be hungry, I had to listen honestly to my body.  If I had gotten very hungry, I would have had to eat something.  But I didn’t.  Sometimes you need a reset like that.

But today went well.  I was able to stick to my core principles: first, eat only when you are hungry; second: make sure that when you do eat, the food is worth all the trouble (why else get hungry?).  Homemade corned beef and cabbage, followed by coconut cake?  Fabulous.  And the corned beef was very, very good.  I didn’t even need my horseradish sauce….and it wouldn’t have worked on the coconut cake. 

When you set up your life using hunger and fulfillment, it’s very rewarding.  I feel very satisfied and don’t need to eat anything else today.  If I keep this up, I might start losing weight again.  It’s been a couple of weeks.  

This week I haven’t had any exercise.  That will have to change!  

-The Doctor