20201004 Daily report: spoooky

I admit it, I went around the neighborhood looking at Halloween decorations today.  They weren’t scary but some were interesting, and a few were impressive.  The shops are a bit strange, as the Christmas decoration displays are already up (October 4!) and the Halloween stuff is a smaller display crammed next to the spaces filled with trees and reindeer.  There is probably just as much autumn/harvest stuff up at people’s houses as Halloween decorations.  Corn stalks, orange wreaths, stacks of gourds…

New Orleans Red Beans and rice

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – bread (110); ham (130); cobbler (100);

  • 340 calories

Lunch – 2 bratwurst (260); 1/2 wrap (45);

  • 565 calories 

Dinner – beef carbonnade (600); noodles (100); salad (30);

  • 730 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (40); chocolate (300); chips (200);

  • 540 calories

Total for the day: 2175 calories (limit 1700)

The pattern continues

It’s a it distressing, but I have continued the pattern of the last several weeks: overeating during the weekends.  This is kind of counterproductive considering all the careful discipline I put into the food week.  It has nothing, or very little, to do with hunger.  I am not sure why I am turning to food, but this will really slow down my progress and gives the lie to weight “control”.  This feels a bit out of control.  

To be fair, I am still keeping track of the calorie count.  This is not a disaster, but it is not helping me either.  I need to think about this and channel my energies into a productive direction.  Imagine, being a person who has an urge to use food whenever something difficult or unpleasant happens to them.  No wonder my weight was out of control!

This is all a process of self-discovery, you know.  Once I learn my behaviors I can change them.  In that case, knowledge is better than ignorance.  I see I have this old, learned, behavior.  Trouble?  Feeling bad?  Eat something and feel better!

Only I don’t feel better. I feel worse, because I am setting myself back on my project to control my body and channel my mind into useful directions.  And I don’t like feeling full anymore.  It feels strange and wrong.  Anyway, what’s done is done and there are consequences to think about.  Tomorrow is a new day, and I will do better.  I wonder if the problem isn’t partly to do with structure.  My workdays are highly ordered and it’s easier to stay inside the lines.  On the weekend, what I am doing is less structured and there is more time to think and get worked up by all the problems.  Hmmmm.  I will keep thinking about that.  I have had many weekends that were weight loss successes.  Why has that changed the last few weeks?  A mystery! 

-The Doctor