20201015 Daily report with fit bit

I used to swim twice a week as my main exercise – so I thought.  I have been wearing a Fitbit watch for a couple of weeks now, and it sees like it’s a rare day that I don’t take 10,000 steps.  Sometimes as many as 18 or 19 thousand.  I don’t even have to try, apparently I just do it.  How did I ever gain so much weight with all that walking around???  It must have taken some dedication.

Now, I am careful to portion what I eat and not overeat.  That is consistent with my new values.  I am working hard, but it is worthwhile.

Baked nachos! A family favorite.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – 4oz rice (120); beef and broccoli (150);

  • 270 calories

Lunch – Italian bread (120); ham (200);

  • 320 calories 

Dinner – 15oz Nachos (600); chips (140); sour cream (50);

  • 790 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); 1 serving tea cookies (170)

  • 250 calories

Total for the day: 1630 calories (limit 1700)

Over the long term

I decided early in my effort to lose 120 pounds that I would have to make a lifestyle change.  I didn’t want to lose weight and then gain it back.  That meant that the old me had to go.  I knew that I couldn’t just change my habits, I had to change the reason for them.  I had to build a new person who would be in control of their body.  It’s a different way of seeing the world.  I also had to build a lifestyle that I could live with and even enjoy.  I had tried many times to force myself to eat less and lose weight just by willpower.  I knew that was a loser, from experience.

I have been doing this for nearly two years now.  It is doable and I feel pretty confident that I can do this for a long time.  And I have shown over this time that I can lose weight whenever I want.  It does take work and it is not easy.  But it can be done.  My mind does boggle a bit at the idea that, when I want to stop losing weight, I may have to start eating an extra 500-1000 calories per day.  What will that be like???

Maintaining a weight will be a whole new challenge.  But it can’t be harder than losing 100+ pounds, right?


-The Doctor