20201020 Daily report: how it’s done

The daily report is where I talk about my daily experiences trying to live the weight control lifestyle.  Every day is its own new day: yesterday’s mistakes don’t carry over or become today’s problem.  I can’t eat less today so that I can eat more tomorrow.  Each day stands alone.

Which can make things tricky.  Yesterday I had a bad diet day and overate after dinner.  I used to do that every day, but it is unusual now.  In the days when my body’s weight wasn’t that important to me, I wouldn’t have even noticed that I did it.  Now I count my calories and stick to regular meals.  That’s all in service of my desire to be in control of my body’s weight.

Spanish tortilla with red peppers and peas.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – tea (80)

  • 80 calories

Lunch – tea (80);

  • 80 calories 

Dinner – Spanish tortilla (500); 1T mayonnaise (100)

  • 600 calories

Snacking – not today

  • 0 calories

Total for the day: 760 calories (limit 1700)


I don’t punish myself for overeating: what’s done is done, and also I want recovery to be easy.  Today I was willing to eat my daily target of 1700 calories, even though I had about 1200 calories last night after dinner.  It’s a new day, so the calorie clock resets.  

However, as you can imagine I wasn’t very hungry for most of the day.  I had a relatively big dinner today (600 calories) because I started to feel hungry again.  I wasn’t sure I would!  But it feels restrictive if you tell yourself “No, you can’t eat today because you ate so much yesterday.”  I gave myself permission to eat what I needed today, and paid a lot of attention to my physical need, today.  

It’s amazing that I can still switch between eating only when I am physically hungry – my new weight control method – and eating for non physical (emotional) reasons. Today I paid strict attention to whether I was physically hungry.  Yesterday, I didn’t do that.  My eating yesterday had nothing to do with physical hunger, and I can admit that.  Stress and emotion affect us in strange ways and I took the easy way out last night.  

I have allowed bad diet days before.  The nice thing about resetting each day is that each day is another chance to do it right.  Next week is a chance to do things right and have a perfect week.  This week may be shot, though.  

-The Doctor