20191107 Daily report

Every day, the weight control lifestyle requires that I keep a food journal.  Doing it with willpower won’t work, I don’t have that kind of willpower.  But I can make staying on a weight control lifestyle attractive and fulfilling and interesting and worthwhile.  Then I am looking for reasons to make it work.  Setbacks are not calamities but speed bumps.  I don’t get resentful or unhappy – instead, I am the most engaged I have ever been.  My life has new evels of meaning from the way all the parts of myself come together around the goal of living a better life.  

One way to make the lifestyle attractive is to make sure every meal is rewarding.  Once a milestone is achieved, I also reward myself with a special meal – all within the calorie budget.

Indian buffet is a special meal for me! Hard to count calories, though.

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – BLT wraps (430)

  • 430 calories

Lunch – Minerva Indian buffet (1200);

  • 1200 calories 

Dinner – crackers (200); chocolate (150)

  • 350 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80)

  • 80 calories

Total for the day: 2060 calories (limit 1800)

Balance is getting tricky

A person can only pay attention to so many things.  Juggling other obligations, family, work, household, etc., can take your attention away.  I have kept weight control at the front of my mind for 11 months and I have to learn to find some balance.  

On the good side, I have finally gotten my reward for bringing my weight below 240 pounds!  Indian food, and Indian buffet food, are some of my favorites.  My Indian friends say it’s all kind of tarted up with food coloring in those buffets, but I don’t mind.  It tastes good AND looks good.  I feel rewarded.

On the bad side, given my calorie record this week, I won’t have much to celebrate come Saturday.  That’s all right – next week is a chance to do better.  It’s all part of finding balance.  I have been paying more attention to work, and it’s difficult to also prioritize weight control.  But it’s not impossible. It will just take some planning and better preparation on the weekends.

Tonight I have to rush off to do other things.  Remember to think about balance in your life.  

-The Doctor