20191114 Daily report

The weight control lifestyle is all about finding a way to control your weight, that is worth living as a lifestyle.  If it’s not worth living, then you are forcing yourself to lose weight.  That doesn’t work in the long term. Can you force yourself to do anything for your whole life?  You won’t have any willpower left for anything else!

Being thin doesn’t make you a better person, or even a good person.  You can be a shallow person and keep thin.  It’s best to concentrate on a worthy lifestyle that you can be proud of.  Controlling your weight can be a side benefit of that.  Isn’t that a good ideal?

My food intake and calorie count

Total for the day: 2700 calories 

The waiting game

I finally figured out why I was cold, oddly hungry, sleepy, and having intestinal issues.  I’ve picked up some bad germ!  I’ve never been so relieved to be sick before. That means that yesterday, when I said it was strange to feel full, it was really just a strange intestinal feeling, apart from being full.  I should have guessed that I was getting sick on Saturday, when my weight was up 2 pounds.  That’s very unusual.  

According to my food journal, this kind of thing has lasted as much as a week, or more.  There’s not much I can do about it.  I will keep track of what I am eating but not try to control it, until I don’t have to use force.  It’s also in my notes that when this happens, my appetite for simple carbohydrates like bread, chocolate, rice, and noodles, is very high.  Meat and protein are oddly unsatisfying.  

With any luck I can get to bed early and have a good night’s sleep.  That’s another thing – I have had trouble getting out of bed all week.  Why didn’t I notice this sooner???

-The Doctor