20200709 Daily report with extra crow

Crow is the wrong word.  But you can see it that way.  

I’ve been trying to get my head in the right place, but it’s not going according to plan.  Yesterday I talked about making a success of weight control by creating the world I wanted to live in.  I didn’t make it today!  Luckily, tomorrow is a new day and soon there will be a new week.  

Dinner once, breakfast three times

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Costco pepperoni pizza half slice (355);

  • 355 calories

Lunch – 11oz pork vindaloo (480); 

  • 480 calories 

Dinner – 9x Swedish meatballs (48); cucumber salad (100); lingonberry jam (50): noodles (100); 

  • 680 calories

Snacking – chicken wrap (200); pretzels (150); chocolate (110); almonds (140); 2x kit kat bars (80);

  • 760 calories

Total for the day: 2275 calories (limit 1850)

400 more than I wanted

These days, feeling full doesn’t feel nice and comforting the way I used to believe it did.  Now, it feels strange.  It also gives me a bad feeling, like failure.  Luckily, it’s for today only.  Tomorrow is guaranteed to be a new day that could be good.  

Today, I felt hungry when I woke up – unusual.  I also got quite hungry around 10AM, but didn’t do anything about it until 11.30 when I had lunch.  Then I was hungry again at 2, and I had a chicken wrap with lettuce and tomato, at 3PM.  I can see I was already making myself feel deprived!  Too much waiting.  This kind of thing has gotten unusual, most of the time my food routine is predictable.  In the past I have tried to satisfy these kind of sudden, urgent hunger feelings.  Sometimes that works.

At dinner I was quite hungry, and felt like having more dinner.  I did!  But after dinner, I felt, not quite hungry, but rather deprived.  And here I am, 700 calories later.  

Tomorrow I will try again.  That’s the beauty of the system: every day is a new day that you can get right.  My goals are achievable, but difficult, and that challenge makes this worthwhile.

-The Doctor

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Judith Phillips

    Your attitude is amazingly positive and I admire your outlook for each new day. It’s such a positive way of thinking and I am inspired. Thanks for opening yourself to others.

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