20190412 Report

I am happy this week is over.  It was a successful week for losing weight, judging by my food intake, but I need more sleep than this.  

Today was a swimming day.  Using an online calculator, I found that for my height, weight, and exercise regimen, I am burning about 600 calories per workout.  I don’t do this as part of a weight loss program, though.  I just like to swim.  The relaxing hot tub and shower afterwards are part of the reason I go.  And I also use it as a bit of a reward – I allow myself an extra 500 calories if I want to eat them.  And I am usually pretty hungry after exercising.  It’s a great setup, I get to feel like I am doing a splurge and it is part of the plan and feels good.   Today I took out some of my extra calories in chocolate.  

Look Ma, no plate!

Are you thinking, “Oh, no!  Won’t those carbohydrates keep you fat?”  Just remember that I am not on a diet.  I am not restricted in what foods I can eat or when I can eat them.  There is a bit of restraint involved in how much I can eat at one time or in one day. 

There is a daily goal – I try to stay under 1800 calories.  On an exercise day I can go up to 1800 + 500 or 2300 total.   So on a normal day, the choice may be chocolate bar OR breakfast.  But on my exercise splurge day, it’s chocolate bar AND breakfast, and more too.  That chocolate bar is 220 calories.  I broke it into 12 pieces and I took the time to enjoy it.  Reward!

My daily food intake and calorie count are:

Breakfast – 2 x BLT wraps (200) 

  • 400 calories

Lunch – 2 x Costco pepperoni pizza slices (355)

  • 710 calories

Dinner – 3 x Aldi pizza slices (100), chicken and hummus wrap (200).

  • 500 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80), beef jerky (90), Hershey bar (220)

  • 390 calories

Total for the day: 2100 calories (limit 1800 + 500 bonus from swimming)

I  have promised myself not to be too rigid about the daily goal.  If I get hungry, I will eat a snack.  Beef jerky usually does the trick if I have hunger pangs.  If I need something sweet, the pre-wrapped Nestle Li’l Drums ice cream cones are only 110 calories (or 120, depending on the flavor). 

I don’t want to fall into a willpower battle with myself.  I want to eat just enough so I can be hungry in time for the next meal, which has to be something worth being hungry for.  That’s why I eat chocolate, bread, and other carbs sometimes.  I am really looking forward to breakfast.  You’ll see, tomorrow, why it was worth waiting for.