20200924 Daily report: truckin’ along

Day 5 past the bad diet weekend!  And do I feel all better?  No, not all the way.  Yes, partly.  Let’s go with the positive side.  

I feel lighter again – after several days of feeling heavy and full.  I had less trouble getting up this morning.  (This is all after 5 days of normal eating.)  This morning, I was pretty hungry for breakfast early – I haven’t been for the last four days.  This is how long it takes me to recover from a bad diet weekend and two days of travel!  And I am still not done.  

But life is getting better.

Chili: what's for dinner

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Smoked loin (100); chicken pieces (150); chocolate (120);

  • 370 calories

Lunch – pork chop (250); potatoes (200); Hershey kisses (100);

  • 550 calories 

Dinner – 10oz chili (360); cornbread (100); salad (30);

  • 490 calories

Snacking – pretzels (110);

  • 110 calories

Total for the day: 1520 calories (limit 1700)

No walking today!

I like to walk.  I didn’t have time – busy, busy.  Walk tomorrow.  It feels strange to be so sedentary, working away at a computer all day.  My fingers got some exercise, and that’s all.

It’s still amazing to me that after having lost this much weight, I still am a bit overweight and  look it.  What will I look like at 210 pounds?  200??  190???  I have to start looking up how people deal with excess skin around the middle and legs that comes from being overweight. From what I am hearing there is not a lot you can do short of drastic action (surgery).  There are some over the counter creams that may or may not work.  Apparently a lot of the loose skin will reduce itself over time, if your body weight is kept low.  

The rest of the advice online is just the usual: keep hydrated, exercise, etc.  It can’t hurt but it won’t help much.  Well, all that is a problem for Future Doctor who weighs less and has kept it off for a while.  Right Now Doctor has his own problems: like working through the aftermath of a bad diet weekend and getting back on the weight control system.

That’s enough to worry about for now.  Goodnight!

-The Doctor

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Judith Phillips

    Glad you’re feeling better; maybe add some yoga or other exercise on the days you don’t/can’t walk, just as a suggestion.

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