20200925 Daily report: the week ends

The end of a week is always dramatic for the Doctor and his Reader.  A week of hard work has gone by.  Has the Doctor maintained his discipline?  Will tomorrow be a good weighing day?

Well, not this time.  The Doctor had a bad diet weekend last weekend.  I am semi convinced that it has taken me all week just to recover.  I am sure my weight is higher than it was two weeks ago.  I didn’t even bother weighing myself last weekend!  

But things are looking up, generally.

Pepperoni and olive homemade pizza!

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Smoked loin (100); crackers (110);

  • 210 calories

Lunch – pork chop (250); soup (200);

  • 450 calories 

Dinner – pizza (550);

  • 550 calories

Snacking – crackers (100); cheese (50); 3-day coconut cake (300);

  • 450 calories

Total for the day: 1660 calories (limit 1700)

Average calorie count this week:

I had just about 2000 calories per day this week.  Even though I stayed well under 1700 for six of the seven days, last Saturday I really overdid it and had a super bad couple of diet days.  I fell into a classic trap: eating for emotional reasons!  What a beginner’s mistake.  But it is one that people make from time to time.  Looking at the daily calorie average, you can see why I say it takes a week just to recover from a couple of bad days, if they are bad enough.  And I am not eager to get on the scale tomorrow.  It will be a disaster.  It is all price this week – the price of two really bad diet days. 

But you can recover.

Next week is a different story.  Every week is a chance to start over and do it right, to have a perfect week.  A new week will start tomorrow, no matter what I weigh.  Really, my body’s weight on Saturday morning is from last week.  Saturday (tomorrow) is the first day of a new food week when I can get it right.  I have come a long way, and there is still some distance to go.  

What can I do to make next week a good week?  I can get prepared for the next week.  I can get my head right, too.  Weight control takes discipline and sacrifice.  It does not take suffering and it takes surprisingly little will power.  You are only sacrificing your old self, after all – and that guy got you into this overweight mess in the first place!

Hoping you have a good week too,

-The Doctor