20200930 Daily report: farewell to September

Keep your mind right, and you will control your body’s weight.  Today, it was difficult.  My mind wanted the quick and easy solution.  I needed to feel completion, release, satisfaction.  I was telling myself that I could get all that – by eating!  

That would be quick and easy.  It is also a waste of my time.  That kind of completion, satisfaction, soothing, is not enough for me.  I tell myself that I would rather have achievement than food.  What do I achieve by eating food?  Nothing.  (What as your achievement today?  Eating food, eh?).  Achieving something is better.  Even if it’s a to-do list of all the things at work.  I tell myself I can do all those things and then feel better.  It’s certainly more productive.

My reward for achievement!

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – 6oz grilled pork burger (450); 1/2 whole wheat wrap wrap (45);

  • 495 calories

Lunch – bratwurst (260); 1/4 wrap (25); 4.5oz steak (300);

  • 585 calories 

Dinner – 5oz rice (160); beef and broccoli (300)

  • 460 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); 

  • 80 calories

Total for the day: 1630 calories (limit 1700)

More walking, less eating

I haven’t walked at all this week.  Today, I did.  It was an achievement, if not a big one.  I got some of my to-do list done at work.  Again, an achievement.  Is it enough?  We shall see.  I can be a bit proud, maybe, of getting a few things done.  Add to that.  I did recognize when I wanted to break my discipline today and take the easy way out.  It counts, I think, that I resisted and won.  Today.

That’s a short term victory, though.  I can’t have this urge to eat every time I want to feel soothed and comforted and have completion.  It means I haven’t got my head right, my old habits are still part of me.  Indulging myself this way is how I gained weight in the first place.  

The old thinking must be reprogrammed away.  Satisfaction and release and comfort don’t come from food.  I was wrong to pretend that they did.  A substitute must be found.  Is it achievement?  Something else?  A combination of things?

For now, I will keep fighting.  It has been working, mostly.  The saying is that you should double down on anything in your life that is working.  

-The Doctor

This Post Has One Comment

  1. cphil

    Hi Doc. Long time reader, first time writer. With your walking, have you considered any local walks/marathons/events? As you get more fit from your regimen they can be an enjoying way to see different parts of your city or local area and add a little sense of triumph towards your accomplishments. https://www.visitpittsburgh.com/events-festivals/marathons-runs-walks/

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