20201003 Saturday way in

To my surprise, though I started the week off badly, I managed to have a reasonably good week controlling my weight.  That’s the goal: being in control of my body’s weight.  I could pick a weight number as my goal, but weight control is better.  Then I can pick any weight I want and go in that direction.  Being in control takes a lot of attention, and some hard work and some time.  But it has its rewards.  I am wearing and buying size 40 pants these days.  It was only in 2019 January I was wearing size 52.  OK, the size 40s are not exactly relaxed-fit, but neither are they ridiculous.  I can wear them around.

I know what I weigh, because I weigh myself every week. I can go to the store and be pleasantly surprised with what I am fitting into, instead of a bit shocked and dismayed.  

And no backsliding.  Having established control over my weight, I don’t want to be gaining it all back again.  I control my weight by becoming a new person who values weight control, and make sure my old lifestyle is unrewarding.


This is a new low weight for me, and I am getting closer and closer to having a normal-sized body.  Since I started controlling my weight in January 2019, I have lost:


Closer and closer

My original goal was to reach a target of 205 pounds.  This was arbitrary, and I never expected to reach it.  I have started dieting before and never made it anywhere.  But this time was different.  I left behind my old thinking and my old way of life, and started living according to a new set of values.  But I am making great progress this time!  Soon I will have lost 111 pounds from my starting weight of 325.  That’s only nine pounds away from the target: 205.

I don’t believe I will stop for long at 205 pounds.  I want to see what 185-190 looks like.  But still, reaching that target of 205 pounds will be a big accomplishment.  It’s one that people who stay thin, perform all the time, but it is new to me.  I have learned that people who stay thin have to work at it, and the thinner they are, the harder they must work.  I appreciate that.  I have learned a lot from thin people.  

Of course there is more to do.  I would also like to exercise more, but my preferred exercise is swimming and that is difficult right now, all the Coronavirus lockdowns have made a lot of the pools hard to use.  But some light exercise like walking will make a difference, as I get closer and closer to my targets.

What will I do when I want to stay at a weight?  When I want to stop losing or gaining?  That will take some figuring out and it will be odd to eat more calories than I have been for the last two years.  Weight control demanded I eat less and then it will demand I eat more.  But I have learned it takes constant attention.  You can’t park at a weight and stay there without any effort.  (Well, actually you can, but it takes some pretty strong routinizing – I mean, eating the exact same meals and portions every day.)

Breakfast time.  I am hungry and I will enjoy it.  Have a good week,

-The Doctor