20201104 Daily report and run

Today, I didn’t exercise – only took 17,000 steps.  Seriously – I didn’t go for a walk or anything, I just took that many steps today.  It’s not unusual.  When I do go for a walk, it’s usually about 4500 steps.  I am just that kind of person, I guess.  It doesn’t prevent me from gaining weight, though.  

Every day, my job is to manage hunger and how I satisfy it.  I do that with a food journal.  I am trying to be responsible for my body’s weight, and that means I can control how much I weigh.  The trick is: I have come up with a lifestyle I like.  I don’t have to use willpower to stay on it, I have found other ways of rewarding myself. 

Saturday Evening Supper, on Wednesday

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – pizza (100); wrap (70); tortilla (330); mayo (25);

  • 525 calories

Lunch – ham (200); Italian bread (120); olive tapenade (30);

  • 350 calories 

Dinner – Saturday evening supper with noodles (200); sausage (300); peppers and onions (25); cheese (100);

  • 625 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); cookie (50)

  • 130 calories

Total for the day: 1630 calories (limit 1700); Fitbit says I walked 17,548 steps and estimates I burned 3789 calories today.

The job

I can insist on being responsible for how much I weigh.  I don’t do that with willpower, I don’t have that ability.  I have changed my goals for eating, and living, so that I can be successful every day.  Recently I had a stressful couple of weeks and found myself reacting with my old pattern: eating for comfort and stress relief.  However, once I got hold of myself (or things got less stressful, I haven’t decided) I was easily able to start controlling my weight again.  I have had several successful days now (at least, I recorded less than 1700 calories for those days) and don’t feel any deprivation.

The whole system is built around making sure I don’t feel deprived.  I make sure that I am looking forward to each meal and that it will be worth the wait.  It means some extra work – cooking, preparation, shopping, portioning, even cleaning.  But that is a price I am willing to pay.  I enjoy eating measured portions more than I ever enjoyed eating huge ones.  

You see, when your aims and goals and values are set up right, you are able to control your weight using any tools that work for you.  It all serves the goal. 

What is your goal for eating?  Try to answer that honestly and you are halfway there.

-The Doctor