20201112 Daily report blues

I have had a hard couple of weeks.  In consequence, the discipline that I showed over the last two years has cracked a bit.  For the last couple of weeks, I keep using food for the wrong purposes: to comfort or soothe myself.  The correct purpose is to use it to meet my physical needs. 

I should be able to soothe and comfort myself in more responsible ways by this point in my life.  But now I know: part of me responds to stress by looking for the easy way out, and my easy way out is food.

This is plenty for my physical needs, and delicious!

Daily food intake

Breakfast – Italian Panettone bread (300);

  • 300 calories

Lunch – baguette (180); ham (75); cheese (70);

  • 325 calories 

Dinner – chicken (200); potatoes (100); beans (35);

  • 335 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (160); baguette piece (100); candy (140); ham and cheese (350); crackers (100);

  • 850 calories

Total for the day: 1805 calories (limit 1700)

Cracked but not broken

The last two or three days haven’t gone so well, diet wise.  The great strength of my weight loss approach is that a bad day or a bad week isn’t fatal to the diet.  The mindset I have been building is that each day stands on its own and every day is a chance to do things right, to have a perfect day.  I have had two or three bad days, but that doesn’t affect tomorrow.   Tomorrow can be perfect.

Today I had 1805 calories, which is more than I really should be having.  But it ‘s a lot better than Tuesday and Wednesday, when I had more like 3000-3500.  I didn’t even keep good track of my food intake for those two days, which is amazing.  I have been writing down my food journal for nearly two years now without any significant breaks.  But tomorrow can still be a great day.  Enough great days and I will have a great week.  And so on.  

I had no idea how lucky I have been the last two years to be able to keep focused on this goal of weight loss.  I have lost more than 100 pounds and can nearly buy clothes meant for normal sized people.  Now I have a little setback, but I haven’t lost heart.  I do need to pull myself together and find a more constructive way to deal with stress.  

Well, all discipline starts somewhere.  I will go to bed, and get up on time, and set myself to my daily task: keeping my food journal, planning out my meals and regulating my food intake so that I can have a perfect day.  I will think about the last two years and how I managed to achieve this much.  That will contain the seeds of going all the way.

-The Doctor