20190419 Daily report

It’s amazing that food can have calorie content and emotional content.  Today was my exercise day, and I needed it.  I came home and made Ukrainian pierogi (pronounced like the Polish version, but the last “g” is more like an “h” sound).  I made them for Easter, even though I am reading they are not traditional at Easter.  Anyway, working with some friends I made about six dozen potato and cheese dumplings, with butter, caramelized onions and sour cream. 

No, I didn't eat the whole bowl!

One bite and I was back in my childhood, in my Babcha’s kitchen, with the clock ticking, “helping” her make them.  It was difficult to approach this nostalgia food with my new mindset – eat them slowly, enjoy, not to eat too many.  I wasn’t totally successful.  To be fair, there were six people at the table and 36 pierogi disappeared between us.  I had 6.  Or maybe 7.  It was hard to stop but I was totally, totally full.  I have no idea if I have adjusted to smaller portion sizes, or ate way too many.  But I was full.  I am still full 4 hours later.  It’s hard to believe I will be hungry in the morning, but the calorie count doesn’t lie (much).  I did not break my food intake regimen.  

My daily food intake and calorie count are:

Breakfast – Paska bread and butter (300)

  • 300 calories

Lunch – 2 x bratwurst wraps (300); 2 x Reese’s peanut butter cups (80)

  • 760 calories

Dinner – Appetizers (100), 6 x pierogi (80 ea. + sour cream and butter 100 each), cake (100).

  • 900 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (160), 2 x Jaffa cookies (50)

  • 260 calories

Total for the day: 2220 calories (limit 1800 + 500 bonus from swimming, total 2300)

Swimming went much better today.  My lap times were almost back to normal.  I think whatever illness I had is going away.  

I checked my food journal for this year.  I have been sick one other time since starting to control my weight.  That was in February.  I don’t know what happened, because I didn’t weight myself that week.  Now I have more confidence in myself and in this weight loss program.  I will get on the scale and record the weight.  Even if the result is a higher number than I want, I am going to take it easy.  I will not punish myself, I will listen and try to get back on track for next week.  I don’t think I have over eaten (much), but I suspect being sick affects my weight.  See, I have an excuse all ready!  

Obviously, I am a little worried about this week and my dieting progress.  But I have other things to think about this weekend, and I am confident that the underlying weight loss program works.  The keys of my program are (1) monitor my weight and (2) control my food intake.  I control my food intake by paying attention to what I am craving and making sure I get hungry for it.  Because living this way is a high quality experience, I really enjoy it and try to make it work.  It is a rewarding way to live.  It’s so rewarding, that feeling full is alarming!  Feeling full used to feel sooooo good. Not now.  Now it is a relic of the past.  Time to let go of the past.

-The Doctor