20190505 Daily report

I keep a food journal and monitor my food intake every day.  It’s a habit I intend to keep for the rest of my life.  That’s what people do who are in control of their body’s weight.  If they can do it, I can do it.  

A gray and rainy day today, calls for suitable comfort food.  Homemade lentil soup, with a baguette and cheese sandwich.  

My daily food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Meatball and hummus wraps (500); pizza slice (100)

  • 600 calories

Lunch – Sloppy joe sandwich (360); Jaffa cake (50)

  • 410 calories

Dinner – Pretzels (100); Homemade lentil soup with baguette and cheese (500)

  • 600 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); 33 grams of chocolate (175)

  • 255 calories

Total for the day: 1865 calories (limit 1800)

Over my limit today

Honesty is essential in my food journal.  If I don’t know what I’m eating, I am not in control.  I might start lying to myself, and lose touch with reality.  It’s always a danger.  Usually, I try to keep 50 calories under my limit, just to account for any forgetfulness, willing or unwilling.  Today, I was over my limit.  I find am often tempted to do that after a Saturday weigh-in that has more emotional impact.  This Saturday was a big step for several reasons.  

First, I have never dieted my way below 280 before.  I have never consciously, while on a diet, lost this much weight, ever.  So that’s a milestone.  It also suggests that my system of weight control, and remaking myself into a person capable of losing weight, might work.  Third, I have been a bit ill for the last couple of weeks (intestinal, don’t ask), and I wasn’t sure what my weight would be when I stepped onto the scale Saturday.  All that in combination was an emotional climax.  When that kind of storm comes through, I noticed I often over eat.  Maybe I should think about why that is.  

I have finished my post on how to start a diet (part III).  No more deep thoughts tonight!  I will come back tomorrow full of ideas.  Until then, good night.

-The Doctor