20190524 Daily report

There are two rules for controlling your body’s weight.  These rules are observed by people who are thin and remain thin.  (1) Monitor your weight and (2) Regulate your food intake.  Note that these rules are mechanistic – How you control your weight.  Finding a way to live that brings you enjoyment and satisfaction while living out those two rules, is a very different matter.  

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Pizza (250)

  • 250 calories

Lunch – chicken sandwich (300); pretzels and cheese (250)

  • 550 calories 

Dinner – meatloaf wrap x 2 (250)

  • 500 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); ice cream sandwich (220); Cheerios and milk (250)

  • 550 calories

Total for the day: 1850 calories (limit 1800)

Dieting while sick?

I still have a cold.  I am napping during the day, it’s that kind of illness.  I also have an appetite for carbohydrate-rich foods.  I am not sure why, but I overate of them – look at my calorie count.  I didn’t even swim today, I didn’t have the energy and it didn’t sound appealing.  Also, The Doctor has found that weight measurements while sick are not reliable.  Therefore I will not be weighing tomorrow, just posting my food log.  Hopefully I will get rid of this cold and things can go back to normal.  

Today, I had an interesting food encounter with a man I know slightly.  He is medium build but has stayed that way for several years.  I decided to test him – and mentioned that the Costco pizza has 700 calories per slice while other brands have as little as 125 per slice.  He already knew, and made several comments about how much of various foods he could eat while staying under his limit.  More proof, if it is needed, that people who stay thin are putting effort into it.  The Doctor doesn’t believe that the naturally thin person exists.  A thin person might believe they are not putting effort into maintaining their weight, but they are paying more attention to the rest of us!  IT’s true and helpful to know: thin people weigh themselves and have a system for maintaining their weight.  That is the simple part.  

The hard part is becoming the kind of person whose weight is of primary importance to you.  It has to bring you satisfaction and fulfillment to maintain your weight and control your body.  That’s the kind of person who keeps the weight off.  It doesn’t make you a better person, or happier.  But it makes it easier for you.

-The Doctor

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chester Phillips

    What is a Dinner – meatloaf wrap x 2 (250)? It seems like a very low calorie amount for something I would associate with high calories. Is it just an ultra small portion? Is it home-made or prepackaged meatloaf? What is the wrap used? Are there any other ingredients?

  2. admin

    It’s just the math. The meatloaf was 3000 calories. Using my scale, I divided it up into eighths = 375 calories. The rest of the calories came from some carrots and potato I put on top, and the low calorie flatbread wraps from Costco, and a teaspoon of mayonnaise. The wraps are 110 calories each and I use them instead of bread most of the time. I have pictures of my wraps sprinkled throughout the series to give you an idea of what it looks like. It doesn’t seem like a micro portion. -The Doctor

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