20190801 Daily report

There’s nothing more daily than a daily report!  Today I am in a bit of a rush, but I always justify writing a daily report.  My daily reports are where I keep track of issues and thoughts related to my weight control lifestyle.  It’s a lifestyle lived day by day, with each new day an opportunity to learn about myself and improve the quality of my life.  My weight control system requires a new lifestyle that is very appealing, plus the results are nice. 

Roasted chicken and rice! What did you have for lunch?

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – Chocolate tea cookies (140); yogurt (140); chips (50)

  • 330 calories

Lunch – half chicken breast (100);  10 ounces cooked rice with peas (400)

  • 500 calories 

Dinner – 6 x pizza slices (100)

  • 600 calories

Snacking – ice cream sandwich (190); pretzels (100)

  • 290 calories

Total for the day: 1720 calories (limit 1800)

Get well soon

I hoped to be all better by now, but I am still dealing with a low level stomach complaint.  Last week I “gained” a pound, which isn’t possible with the number of calories I ate, so I knew I was retaining fluid.  I don’t feel any better through today, so I am pretty sure Saturday will be an unreliable weight.  My calorie total has been right in the target zone (averaging 1850 calories per day), but I still don’t feel normal.  I’ll get on the scale Saturday but without any expectation I will see a true reflection of my weight.  

Interestingly, I have a pair of pants which are rather a close fit (tight).  I am using them as an independent measurement of my waist size.  They feel a bit looser than last week, but hen again, they may have stretched since I have worn them a few times.  My last pair of size 50 pants are definitely hard to wear now, they get all bunched up around the waist once I tighten a belt.  But it’s hard to get over the feeling that my body isn’t in top form and I will have to be patient.  

I did something different today – I tried a small breakfast, and a larger lunch and dinner with dessert.  So far, I don’t feel any desire to snack on anything, so it may be a success.  Self knowledge is the key!

-The Doctor