20190802 Daily report

Every day, I keep a food journal.  Really, I write in it every time I eat, not just once at the end of the day.  I might spend an hour on my food journal any given day.  That’s because I have remade myself into a person who values being thin and in control of his body’s weight.  I didn’t care about that when I was gaining weight, in my old life.  Now I do.  Because I value that, I keep a food journal and I weigh myself every week.  That’s how I will lose weight and how I will maintain my weight, once I get wherever I am going…

Zero the scale, then 10.5 ounces of curry

My food intake and calorie count

Breakfast – 2 x Cotsco bratwurst (280); quarter bread wrap (22.5), a little mustard and onion

  • 620 calories

Lunch – 5 ounces of cooked rice (160); 10.5 ounces of red lentil curry (290)

  • 450 calories 

Dinner – 6 x pizza slices (100)

  • 600 calories

Snacking – tea with half and half (80); Snickers ice cream bar (180); pretzels (100)

  • 360 calories

Total for the day: 2030 calories (limit 1800 + 500 bonus from swimming, total 2300)

Early morning

I have an early day tomorrow.  However, I think I am starting to feel better.  Maybe my stomach problem is going away.  That would be nice!  I am blaming my lack of progress on illness, though I don’t know if that’s legitimate.  

Someone asked me yesterday how to deal with cravings at certain points during the day – like at night, after dinner.  First, I think that is important self knowledge that you should pay attention to.  Knowing you will be hungry at night, you can try changing things to keep yourself happy and avoid that kind of snacking. 

Recently, I tried having a small breakfast, then a larger lunch and dinner, with dessert planned for a couple of hours after dinner.  The anticipation of the dessert kept me from snacking, and I was happy enough with dessert (ice cream sandwich, the good ones from Blue Bunny, with chocolate ice cream and chocolate syrup in the center) that I didn’t want to eat afterwards.  For breakfast that same day, I had chocolate-covered tea cookies (Aldi) and yogurt.  I was happy until lunch even though breakfast was 280 calories.  Try something like that.  Give yourself something to look forward to at night, that you can plan on.  

Time for bed!  

-The Doctor