I am having a hard day. That is, a difficult food day. Part of me really, really wants to eat. Some of this may be a body thing. I have been hungry all day. I had a big breakfast, then needed a good lunch and then I was quite hungry for dinner. Right now at 8:45PM I am fighting off a desire to go eat something. But I have already had 1700 calories (or close enough). This is ridiculous. I’ll be right back.
I’m back! I used an old dieting trick. That is, I ate some foods that don’t have a lot of calories: various pickles and some tomato salsa. Now I feel like I ate something, but the damage to my weight control efforts is minimal. Whew. That could have been chocolates, sandwiches, quesadillas, ice cream, and whatever else I could imagine. Actually, I’d better not tempt myself.

My food intake and calorie count
Breakfast – pizza (200); pannettone (300); candy (200);
- 700 calories
Lunch – ham sandwich (300); chips (200);
- 500 calories
Dinner – crackers and cheese (200); chicken wrap (200);
- 400 calories
Snacking – tea with half and half (80); pickles and salsa (50)
- 130 calories
Total for the day: 1730 calories (limit 1700)
Light post
I need a good night’s sleep tonight, big day tomorrow. I’ve had a look through my food journal records and it seems I have had a bad three weeks and it will take three good weeks just to make up for them. That seems reasonable. I just wish I had the feeling that things were under control again. Then three weeks would be easy to face.
Time to find out! Goodnight,
-The Doctor
Looking at your day, my observation would be that your breakfast was carb and sugar heavy — pizza, pannettone, candy — a set up for being hungry all day. And it’s kind of a sad breakfast without any protein to speak of. Protein is my friend, especially for breakfast. Maybe you could try it for a little change.