20200725 Saturday weighing or is it waiting
- Post author:The Doctor
- Post published:July 25, 2020
- Post category:Saturday weigh-in
Ah, Saturday. The day when you find out if your effort during the week has been applied properly. You can work quite hard after all and find out later it was all spent in the wrong place. That’s hard but you can correct it over time. As Homer Simpson complained (as Henry VIII), “I eat and eat and still don’t lose weight!” I have been having a problem that my weight loss has slowed to the speed of a sleepy snail. On a cold day. Is that a matter of readjusting my effort?

Progress is progress, however slow. I have some thoughts about that. But the iportant thing is that since starting my weight control lifestyle in January 2019, I have lost:
Crawling towards a minor victory
I will be pretty happy when I lose 100 pounds, but at current rate that will take months. I am leaning towards blaming the lack of exercise and activity in my life right now. The Corona Virus is playing hell with my lifestyle and I haven’t been seriously exercising (swimming) since March. That and staying home most of the time must be having an effect. I am eating carefully and just the same as I always did when I was losing 2 pounds per week. I am guessing that exercise was fueling part of my weight loss all this time.
I don’t know that for sure and won’t know until I have evidence – that is, once I can start swimming again. In theory the pools near me are open now with lots of restrictions and I can get appointments to swim laps. I don’t know how that will work in practice. Until I can get that working I will have to crawl towards success (good pun there, swimming has a crawl stroke too).
I could try cutting calories some more with a target of 1700 calories per day. That might make up for the lack of exercise. Or I will have to be more systematic about walking or find other exercise, I suppose. It’s always something, but you can redirect after you find out what is going wrong.
Put your effort in the right place. IF you aren’t successful, your effort is in the wrong place. Don’t waste it.
-The Doctor